Creating a Tutorial: Overview

Language or Program:

Tutorial Type (Task, Technique, Package Overview, Tool):

Specific Package/Task/Technique/Tool:

  • What should learners already know before the workshop?

  • What do you need to teach them before you start the exercise sections?

  • Setup Code

3. Outline Exercises

Outline 3-6 exercises that will take learners 2-5 minutes each to complete. Assume learners need approximately 10x longer than you to complete an exercise. At this point, since you probably don't have a dataset picked out yet, just focus on what you want learners to do in each exercise and what they would need to do it. Your exercises define your sections.

Now, find a dataset for your exercises. If the dataset does not have enough variation for both exercises and demonstration, find a second dataset to use for demonstration/teaching.

If you aren't teaching a data-focused workshop, think of a running example to use to demonstrate your technique or package to help make your exercises more concrete, relevant, and specific.

Write the teaching materials that will precede each exercise. Focus first on what you need to teach to do the exercises. If you have time/space, add in additional related information or variations on what you're teaching.

6. Finish Exercises

Finish your exercises now that you have your data and the teaching examples in place. You may need to iterate back and forth with work on the teaching materials to make sure you're covering all of the concepts learners need to complete the exercise and to make the exercise flow from the teaching materials.

7. Wrap Up

  • Review what they've accomplished

  • Where/how can they learn more?

  • What might be the next thing they do if they want to practice or get better?

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